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Martina is one of the brave protagonists of our Little Heroes campaign in Corrientes, Argentina, and has lived her early life with significant challenges despite being just seven years old. She is one of six siblings, though at one time there were seven.

Tragedy struck her family when one of her little brothers passed away suddenly due to health complications. Since then, her parents have lived with constant fear, especially with Martina's fragile heart, terrified that the same fate could befall her.

As young adults, her parents have faced years of anguish, dreading the possibility of losing another child. Fearing the risks of surgery, her father hesitated at the thought of any surgical intervention. But, they became aware of a device that could correct Martina's heart condition with a less invasive procedure, but the cost seemed like an unreachable dream.

Every night, Martina would put her hand over her heart as if something was different, feeling its rapid and irregular beats, which only worsened her fear.

Despite their limited economic status and distance from the treatment location, her parents never gave up. They continue to follow her regular medical checkups. They were holding on to the hope that a miracle would one day take effect to save their daughter's life.

The miracle came true on the day Dr. Ferrin informed the parents that their daughter was a candidate for a life-changing therapy provided by Abbott's Little Heroes campaign, available at the Funcacorr Cardiology Foundation in Corrientes Province of Argentina.

Joy and relief flooded the family. Martina underwent the procedure, not fully understanding what awaited her but trusting those around her. Just a few hours later, she woke up in her hospital room, surrounded by her parents, while her younger siblings prayed from home.

That first night after the procedure was one the family would never forget. Martina, overwhelmed with emotion, kept touching her chest, feeling a steady heartbeat for the first time, and felt peaceful. For the first time in years, her heart was calm. Her parents, full of tears and a grateful heart, felt this was the first worry-free night's rest.
The miracle had happened.

Martina can now run, play, and have fun with her siblings; she can enjoy life to the fullest, like any child her age should. And her parents can finally let go of the fear that haunted them for so long.

For the first time, the future was full of hope.

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